Objectives and who we work with
Falcon Rural Housing Objectives
The Association will provide and manage properties on a non-profit making basis throughout Somerset West and Taunton, Sedgemoor and Mid Devon and other areas, for those in the greatest housing need and least able, through limited income, age or disability, to obtain suitable accommodation.
Where new homes are to be built these will normally be on ‘exception’ sites. However, we will consider all options, using existing buildings and resources before building new homes.
When allocating tenancies, priority will be given to local people (or those with strong local connections), who have a proven housing need.
We will always work closely with local people, through appropriate organisations, to take advantage of local knowledge and contacts. Without this approach and the support of the local community, a scheme may not proceed, as it is important to us that any housing eventually provided is welcomed by communities and provides homes for those in local housing need.
This also promotes the importance of social inclusion in rural areas.