Our Contractors
We have an external workforce of professional and qualified people to carry out most of our more specialised repairs. These contractors include plumbers, electricians, roofers, glaziers and gas engineers to name but a few.
Tenant Behaviour
Even though our contractors are not directly employed by Falcon, they are still our “front line” staff and are the ones most likely to be working in your home.
When you report a repair, our contractor will usually contact you directly to arrange a mutually agreeable time and date to carry out the works.
When our contractors are in your home please treat them with respect and be polite. Nine out of ten times they are there to complete a repair that you have reported. Our contractors have the right to walk away from any job, even if it is half completed due to fear of violence, abuse or harassment from our tenants, family members or any visitors to the property.
Falcon Rural Housing has a ‘Zero Tolerance’ attitude to violence, abuse and harassment and any tenant accused of this could potentially be served with a Notice of Seeking Possession and reported to the Police.
Working Environment
Everyone lives by different standards and it would be boring if we were all the same, however our contractors have the right to a clean and safe work area in which they are completing a job. If it is deemed by us, or the contractor, that your home is not of an acceptable standard to be able to work safely and hygienically, our contractors reserve the right to walk away from any job, even if it is half completed. If this happens, you will be given the chance to rectify the situation. If, however you do not, in most cases we will not be completing the works you have requested. If the works needed are integral and need to be completed to prevent damage to our property, we can take you to Court to gain access to your home if you refuse to co-operate. This would be very expensive and time-consuming for you, so please make sure that if you are expecting one of our contractors you have the area in which they will be working in a clean and tidy condition.
Contacting our Contractors
Once you have reported a repair to our office, our contractors will contact you. This will be to arrange an appointment. DO NOT CONTACT THE CONTRACTOR DIRECTLY (unless they have requested a call back) with any repairs you may need. They cannot take job orders or details of repairs – this can only be done through the office. NO repair will be undertaken as a result of you directly contacting a contractor. All repairs must be reported via the office by any of our contact methods. Click here for our Contact information.
Overdue Job Orders
When we raise a job to be completed, we send out a copy of the work order to you. This has a date on it by which we intend to have the repair completed. If, for whatever reason we have not been able to complete the works, or you have not heard from our contractor by this date please contact the office immediately. Do NOT contact the contractor. We will then chase this up for you and find out why there has been a delay.
Failing to make Contact
If we have raised a repair for you and then you fail to return calls, fail to make an appointment or are not home for a scheduled appointment, we reserve the right to cancel the job. You may also be charged for our contractor’s time in attempting to contact you.