How do I mutually exchange?

A mutual exchange is a way of swapping your house with another housing association tenant or a council tenant who also wants to move. 

Most tenants are allowed to exchange once any starter tenancy period is over, unless they are on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy.

Graphic showing two houses being exchanged

What do I need to do to exchange?

Once you have found someone to swap with, you will need to contact us. We will ask you a few questions and then send you mutual exchange forms. Both you and the person with whom you wish to exchange will need to complete a Mutual Exchange form.

When we receive both forms back, we will then complete a property inspection on your home. Sometimes we may ask you to carry out certain remedial works to your home before we will consent to a mutual exchange taking place. 

If your home is an acceptable condition and your rent account is up to date, we will arrange to meet the person with whom you wish to exchange and we will contact their Landlord for references.

Provided the following conditions are met, we would normally give permission for the swap to proceed:

  • Both properties are in acceptable condition
  • Local connection criteria are met by the incoming tenant(s)
  • There is no outstanding rent or costs due from either party to the exchange


How do I qualify for an exchange?

There are certain rules about who is eligible for an exchange.

  • Your rent account must be up to date and you must also repay any other debts to us, such as legal costs or recharge costs that are outstanding and due from you.
  • The exchange must not cause overcrowding or unreasonable under-occupation of the property.
  • If you have a joint tenancy with someone else, the joint tenant must also agree and sign the application form with you.
  • You must meet any local connection criteria that the property may have.

Can I exchange with someone in another part of the country?

Yes, you can exchange with someone anywhere across the UK as long as they have a local connection to the area in which you live.

If you are looking to move to another part of the country you may need to consider a multi-way swap which means there will be a chain.

How can I find an exchange?

You may find someone to exchange with through word of mouth or by advertising in local shops; there are also Facebook groups you could join.

There is also a national Homeswapper register, which can help you find other people with homes that might suit you better.  Homeswapper has over 304,000 homes available across the country. 

Please be aware though that this is not a free service.