How do I apply for a Transfer?

What is a Transfer?

A transfer is when you are already living in a housing association or council-owned property and you would like to move to another housing association or council-owned property.

An ‘internal’ transfer is when you are already living in a Falcon Rural Housing property and would like to move to another one of our homes.

Tenants usually apply to transfer when they need a bigger / smaller home than the one they currently live in, or if they want to move to a different area.

How do I apply for a Transfer?

You will need to be registered on Homefinder Somerset or Devon HomeChoice and you will also need to complete one of our application forms.

In terms of an ‘internal’ transfer, as well as registering as above, it would be beneficial for you to speak to your housing officer and discuss a potential move with them. This is so that we can be aware of what you want and why you want it, so that if a Falcon property did become available, we can discuss it with you in more detail.

You could also look for a Mutual Exchange.

Is there anything else I need to do?

You will have to have an up to date rent account and make sure you do not owe us any money, such as legal costs or recharges.

Your home will need to be in a good condition, i.e. clean and tidy with no damage.

If you have a poor history of paying rent, you are in rent arrears or your property is damaged or in poor condition, it is very unlikely that we would consider you for a transfer until certain conditions, as set by the Association, had been met.