Routine, Urgent and Emergency Repairs

All repairs should be reported straight away to Falcon Rural Housing Ltd during our working hours (8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday). You can report a repair by:
– Calling us on 01823 667343
– Sending us an email to
– Sending us a WhatsApp on 07581 551502
– Or click here to send a report through to us via email
Please include as much detail as you can about the repair, including any photos or videos if you can.
We can also offer a Facetime call via WhatsApp as it is sometimes easier to show a repair than explain a repair. Please arrange a Facetime call via telephone or email.
Emergency Repairs
In the event of an absolute emergency repair when the office is closed (for example: bank holidays, weekends or evenings), please ring our main office number 01823 667343 and listen to the options.

There are 4 main kinds of repairs, emergency, urgent, routine (day to day) and malicious/criminal damage.


These repairs are usually required to be completed within a 28 day – 56 day timescale depending on the issue. Day to day repairs include non-urgent items such as failed seals on double-glazed units, broken door furniture or dripping taps.



An urgent repair is a job that needs to be done quickly but is not an emergency. The Association will use its discretion as to whether a repair request should be treated as urgent and should this be the case, you will be informed by the Association of the date by which you can expect the repair to be completed.

Urgent Repairs should usually be completed within 7 days of the job order being raised.



As soon as you advise the Association, an emergency repair will be actioned immediately, and your property made safe within 24 hours.

To report an emergency repair between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, ring the office on 01823 667343 immediately.

In the event of an absolute emergency when the office is closed, for example, bank holidays, weekends or evenings, and the repair cannot wait until the next working day, please ring the office number 01823 667343.

Once you ring this number you will be given the option to be transferred to the Association’s ‘out of hours’ emergency contact centre Orca. An operator at Orca will then who will then be able to assist you with your emergency. You will be asked to provide your name, address and current contact telephone number.

All staff tending the ‘out of hours’ emergency phone have the discretion to decide whether they consider that the repair being reported needs to be dealt with as an emergency. They therefore have the right to refuse to request a contractor attend any repair request that they do not deem an emergency.

The emergency service will ONLY MAKE YOUR HOME SAFE. Any necessary follow up repairs will then be completed within normal working hours.

It cannot be stressed enough that the emergency repairs service is for genuine emergencies only. The Association reserves the right to re-charge the tenant a ‘call out’ fee if the contractor attends the property and finds that the repair is not an emergency. Charges could range between £90 – £200 but will reflect the actual cost of the call out to the Association.

Emergency repairs include any situation where there is immediate risk of danger or injury to people or property, such as:

  • Total failure of all electrics in your home (not power cuts) that have NOT been caused by you or one of your appliances and there is more than 24 hours until the next working day
  • Burst pipes or very heavily leaking water tanks or boilers (and that you cannot contain the water)
  • Loss of the entire heating in extreme cold weather where a member of the household’s health could be put at serious risk without it.
  • Serious roof leaks (whenever practicable)
  • Seriously leaking toilet (where it is the only toilet in the property)
  • Dangerous walls or chimneys

For the following emergencies, please contact:

Gas leaks           Turn off supply immediately, open windows, and ring the emergency Gas telephone number 0800 111 999

Blocked Drains Contact Wessex Water 0345 600 4600 or

South West Water 0344 346 2020

Power Cuts        Contact the National Grid 0800 6783 105



Whenever either malicious or criminal damage occurs, a police incident number must be obtained before the repair is reported to the Association.  The Association will not undertake any repairs for damage unless a Police incident number is provided. Even in the case where an incident number has been obtained, the Association must be satisfied that the damage caused was not directly linked to the tenant in any way, i.e. damage caused as a result of a neighbour dispute or domestic violence etc. before it agrees to undertake any works necessary.