How do we allocate our Properties?

Our properties are all advertised on Homefinder Somerset (if in Somerset) and Devon Home Choice (if in Devon).

These are websites that are run by the local authorities of each County where people who are looking for housing can register their details and housing associations can advertise the properties they have that are available to rent.

The properties advertised are not just our properties, but lots of other housing associations, giving you more choice and a greater chance of being offered a home.

Falcon Rural Housing is unusual, though, as we also send out our own application form for housing. When we receive your completed form back we keep your details and your area of preference on our file so we can contact you if we have a vacancy coming up so that you can place your bid on Homefinder Somerset/ Devon Home Choice.

Once we have finished advertising our property on either the Homefinder Somerset or Devon Home Choice site, we then receive a list of applicants from them, who have all placed bids on the property.

When we assess the list of applicants we focus on two aspects of the application –

1. Do you have a local connection? We check the local connection of all applicants first and anyone who does not have a local connection to the area in which the property is located is automatically disregarded.

Once we are happy that an applicant would meet the local connection criteria (click here for details) we look at –

2. Are you in Housing Need? The Local Authority will have already assessed your housing needs and will give you a ‘band‘ based on the information you have provided in your application. For example, this might be for being overcrowded in a property, being evicted or even moving areas for support. We would take your band into consideration but we will also contact you to find out more information.

For more details about ‘bands’ please see our page Applying through Homefinder Somerset and Devon Home Choice

Once we have shortlisted at least two applicants that meet both of the above aspects of the application, we will arrange to go and visit them all to complete an interview. This is normally informal and gives you the opportunity to explain your situation in more detail.

If your application is successful, you will be offered a viewing on the property. Please be aware that we work between the hours of 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday and therefore we will need to arrange an appointment to meet you within this time range. We do not offer evening or weekend appointments so you will need to make yourself available within these hours if you want to view the house.

After you have viewed the property and you wish to accept the offer of a Tenancy, you will be expected to complete a sign-up. This is where we discuss how to pay your rent, you sign the tenancy agreement and receive the keys to your new home. Again, appointments will only be between 8.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

If you have any further questions about how the process works please feel free to contact us.